Beauty of a fallen leaf


Image by DSLucas

The scorching heat of the midday sun took me under the shade of a tree and a fallen leaf suddenly drew my attention. The leaf appeared to have fallen not long ago, but the natural process and the microorganisms in the soil had already started their work. Natural processes do not wait for anyone. It was clear that the leaf had fallen on its own, its days on the tree were over. When it was still on the tree, I am sure it had provided shade to many weary persons like me and protected them from  the scorching heat. Though old, the colour was still attractive, reflecting its beauty when it was on the tree but at the same time there were clear signs of injuries it endured from the attacking insects and the blowing wind, when it was still on the tree and providing shade to everyone who came under the tree. What was especially attractive is the intricate design in the skeleton of veins that was visible only where the outer tissue disappeared. It had its hidden beauty, revealed only when it fell from the tree.

When it was alive and on the tree, its inner beauty was hidden and taken for granted. People like me looked for the greenest tree full of leaves and took shelter under it. What held the leaf in its place without disintegrating and what sustained it was none of their concern. The greenery and often the flowers with their pleasant smell was all that mattered.

Aren’t people near and dear to us like the leaves on the tree providing us love, protection and comfort in our tribulations in life? Throughout our life we take love, help and protection from them whenever we are in difficulties. Their shade helps us in continuing our onward journey and reaching our destination. Their inner beauty, their virtues and qualities of selfless love and service are of no concern to us until one day when the leaf falls. Their absence makes us realise their inner qualities and strengths and suddenly our hearts are filled with sadness and love for them. Eulogy is delivered at the funeral remembering all the good work done and the hidden qualities the person had - the beauty of the skeleton of veins in the leaf. In the end the outer form fades away but the memories of their inner strength still lingers for a long time. Should we wait until their death to express our love, when that person cannot see us and hear us any more? After death the expression of love, affection and the eulogy is just for our comfort, not of the deceased.

Expression of gratitude strengthens the persons helping us to do more and gives them satisfaction for the benevolent work they do. They may not seek it, but reciprocating their love and expression of gratitude are the reward they deserve. Often helping others involves sacrifice of time, money, comfort and even health. Gratitude and reciprocation of love is a small price we can all afford to pay in return. While benefiting from the good work they do, it is important to look for those hidden qualities that drive them to perform the good deeds we are benefiting from and try to inculcate at least some of them in our lives. This can be the greatest tribute we pay them.

Our day never ends without receiving a favour from others. Even when we are confined within out house, we live in a house built by the labour of hundreds of workers, the electricity is provided by the dedicated service of people working in generating and supplying electricity, we live safely inside our house because of the law and order maintained by the police, we eat the food grown by hardworking selfless farmers, and the list never ends. Even a TV program we watch and a book we read is the effort of someone else. When we walk on the street, a simple gesture of greeting or smile from a stranger makes our day. While driving, someone giving us the way is a kind gesture we often ignore to recognise and reciprocate. A simple practice of spending a few minutes before bed time to remember all those who helped us during the day and whisper a small prayer for them  in gratitude can be a humble beginning.


  1. So true, very often we take for granted the many gifts we have in our daily lives including the many people who are selflessly working for us


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