Give your best to the world


Photograph by: DSLucas

The Lupinus plants come in various subspecies and produce exotic flowers in attractive colours. The flowers are known by various other names such as Lupin, Lupine, woody plant, buffalo clover, wolf bean, Lupinus subcarnosus, Lupinus albus, ligneous plant, genus Lupinus.  Based on their colour they are also known as white lupine, blue lupine, bluebonnet, yellow lupine etc. Although these were originally native to America and some parts of Africa, now they are found in gardens all over the world. The invasive nature of these plants in some regions has made it spread into the wild. They are primarily used for ornamental purposes, but lately they are studied for the nutritional value of its seeds for animal and human consumption.

The striking feature of this plant is the long stem on which the flowers grow, as if the plant is holding them high for everyone to see. Surrounded by large trees, shrubs, other flowers and its own leaves etc. this plant immediately draws our attention to its flowers. They cannot remain hidden. They rise above the thick foliage. 

Lupinus has its roots, leaves, stem and all other parts that other plants have. It has very attractive leaves compared to many other plants in its surroundings. It even has seeds the way other plants have their fruits. Among all these, the best it has to offer to the world is its exotic and colourful flowers and that is what it holds high. While in the garden or in a bouquet, it’s the flowers that are more useful. In terms of quantity, it’s the leaves and green colour that dominate, but in terms of quality, it's the flowers. It offers the best quality to the world, not the quantity. The world looks to us for the best we have, not the most. 

Each one of us has multiple abilities and talents. All are useful at some time or other to us and to other people based on the situations. Among all these abilities it is we who have to determine what we are best at. We cannot focus on all our abilities equally. The one we are best at, needs to be nurtured. It needs to be held high for others to see and to get inspired. We need to hold it high for the benefit of others. Only when we hold our unique talent high, others who may need our help can see and approach us. For some it may look like blowing one’s own trumpet. If it helps others, why not?

Never compare your best with other’s best. Someone may be a great charismatic speaker, attracting and influencing thousands when he/she speaks. You may be great at just instantly changing the melancholic mood of anyone with just a smile or few soothing words. For the person whom you made smile, overcome his/her sadness, you are a thousand times greater than that charismatic speaker.

The Bible in Mather 5:15 says “No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” 

Focussing and nurturing on what we are best at helps us in living a meaningful and fulfilling life. Gives us satisfaction and happiness. 

To give your best to the world, you don’t have to be great, but giving your best to others can make you great.


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