
Beauty of a fallen leaf

  Image by DSLucas The scorching heat of the midday sun took me under the shade of a tree and a fallen leaf suddenly drew my attention. The leaf appeared to have fallen not long ago, but the natural process and the microorganisms in the soil had already started their work. Natural processes do not wait for anyone. It was clear that the leaf had fallen on its own, its days on the tree were over. When it was still on the tree, I am sure it had provided shade to many weary persons like me and protected them from  the scorching heat. Though old, the colour was still attractive, reflecting its beauty when it was on the tree but at the same time there were clear signs of injuries it endured from the attacking insects and the blowing wind, when it was still on the tree and providing shade to everyone who came under the tree. What was especially attractive is the intricate design in the skeleton of veins that was visible only where the outer tissue disappeared. It had its hidden beaut...

Give your best to the world

  Photograph by: DSLucas The Lupinus plants come in various subspecies and produce exotic flowers in attractive colours. The flowers are known by various other names such as Lupin, Lupine, woody plant, buffalo clover, wolf bean, Lupinus subcarnosus, Lupinus albus, ligneous plant, genus Lupinus.  Based on their colour they are also known as white lupine, blue lupine, bluebonnet, yellow lupine etc. Although these were originally native to America and some parts of Africa, now they are found in gardens all over the world. The invasive nature of these plants in some regions has made it spread into the wild. They are primarily used for ornamental purposes, but lately they are studied for the nutritional value of its seeds for animal and human consumption. The striking feature of this plant is the long stem on which the flowers grow, as if the plant is holding them high for everyone to see. Surrounded by large trees, shrubs, other flowers and its own leaves etc. this plant immediate...

Living under adverse conditions

  Not all are born with a silver spoon in their mouth and at the same time not only those who are born with all favourable conditions succeed in life. Born and living in adverse conditions is tough, but it’s the tough that make the best out of a given situation and show exemplary resilience and spirit of survival. “ Tough times don’t last, but tough people do .” said Robert Schuller, an American Christian televangelist, pastor, motivational speaker, and author.  This plant did not have any choice to select its place of birth. Probably a bird decided its fate and dropped a seed on the rock. Probably a little dust blown by the wind, deposited in the crevice in the rock and a bit of moisture from the dew provided it the much needed support to sprout and spread its tender initial roots. With whatever it could get from nature, it sprouted and gradually started exploring where the soil is and the water. It spread its roots over the rocks until they found more soil and a bit of more ...